2011年11月5日 星期六

Mei-Nong tourist spots

     Nowadays, Mei-Nong has be developed from agricultural society to tourist industry. When I visited Mei-Nong, I found out that there are some places that most tourists love to visit and take pictures. I would like to introduce the most three popular tourist spots in Mei-Nong.

     First is the east city gate, it is a historic muniment Mei-Nong. It is the oldest city gate in Me-Nong and was built in 1755. The fuction of the east city gate is preventing the attack from aborigines. Aborigines were driven out by Hakka people even though they had been living in Mei-Nong for a long long time. Though the east city gate hasn't be used nowadays, it is still a historic meaning to Hakka people.

     The second is Jung Jeng Lake. This is the second largest lake in Kaohsiung and it's function is restoring water for agriculture. There is a mountain at the northwest side of Jung Jeng Lake and it is arround by fields at the other three sides. Also, there is a pavilion which is located near the center of the lake. The water of Jung Jeng Lake reflects mountain and sky, this creates spectacular and beautiful scenery.

     The third tourist spot I would like to introduce is Zhong Li He museum. Mei-Nong can be seen a hometown of Zhong Li He, there were some famous writtings which he wrote when he was in Mei-Nong. In the museum, there are not only the collection of his great writtings but also the experience of his life. Zhong Li He symbolizes a great writer of Hakka. The museum even show the surroundings when he is writting.

4 則留言:

  1. My father was born in Mei-Nong and he's a Hakkanesse, too.
    I think this place is overflowing humanism flavor and I want to go back to visit the museum again!

  2. The fisrt of Mei-Nong for me is Hakka.(LOL)
    I love their noodls!

  3. I've never been to Mei-Nong before, as I remember.
    But through the pictures I think it's a beautiful place with long history, especially Jung Jeng Lake!

  4. Actually, I have been to Mei-Nong.
    But, I think it's really a small place.
    I don't like the place cuz it was a too serene and boring place for me, except the noodles.hahaha:D
